

  1. About Infertility

Infertility is the inability to become pregnant despite one year of unprotected sexual activity in women under the age of 35 and six months in women over the age of 35.

A common issue affecting 15-20% of couples is infertility. Every menstrual cycle, women under the age of 35 have a 20% chance of getting pregnant, which means that 50% of couples who are attempting to get pregnant will do so within three months and 85% within a year. These percentages are lower for women over 35.

  1. What are the reasons for infertility?

Statistically, Male factor (35%), tubal or pelvic pathology (35%), ovulation issues (15%), unexplained infertility (10%), and other factors (5%), are the leading causes of infertility.

Many people who are categorized as having unexplained infertility are likely to have undiscovered immune problems that prevent the embryo(s) from attaching to the uterine lining or concerns with egg quality.

A tiny percentage of women will have uterine structural abnormalities or illnesses that prevent the brain from telling the ovaries to release mature eggs.

  1. How is infertility treated?

Treatment is based on the underlying cause; some individuals will only require simple measures, such as ovulation-inducing drugs and/or intrauterine inseminations, while others will require more sophisticated measures, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or sophisticated reproductive surgery. The way of treatment is planned by specialized doctors.

  1. How can I understand whether my tubes are blocked?

A hysterosalpingogram (HSG), also known as the dye test, is most frequently used to understand if tubes are blocked. During this procedure, a little amount of dye is injected into the uterine cavity through the cervix, and concurrent x-ray films show the dye pouring into the pelvis. In some circumstances, the tubes are present but may not function normally due to internal injury, particularly if there has been a history of pelvic infection in the past. The best course of treatment for tubal illness is IVF. A past pelvic infection that was silent frequently damages the tubes.

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The best course of treatment for tubal illness is IVF. A past pelvic infection that was silent frequently damages the tubes. The most frequent cause of the pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which sometimes goes undetected in women until they learn they are infertile, is a bacteria called Chlamydia, which is the most prevalent sexually transmitted disease in the US. Gonorrhea and other organisms that enter and thrive in the female reproductive system after miscarriage, abortion, and delivery are additional causes of PID. Other reasons for tubal injury include endometriosis or prior abdominal surgery, particularly when there was an appendix or ovarian cyst rupture. Another sign of tubal damage is a history of ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy in the tube). If a dye cannot be seen moving through the tubes, the tubal blockage can also be identified through laparoscopy. The most effective way to both detect and treat tubal illness is through laparoscopy.

You can read more about infertility and IVF treatment via If you start an IVF process after a doctor’s advice, feel free to contact us for your IVF medication needs like Gonal-F, Fostimon, HMG, HCG, Lupron, and all other products.

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