
Impressive: Menopur Success Rates & Stories!

12 Menopur75

Menopur contains two types of hormones: follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. These hormones allow eggs to mature in women and promote ovulation. They also allow a fertilized egg to settle in the uterus. In men, they stimulate the production of sperm cells and male hormones. After a careful purification process, a product is created that has an effect like the body’s own hormones LH and FSH.

Menopur Success Rates

Women undergoing an IVF treatment with MENOPUR may have significantly higher chances of getting pregnant, a study reveals. In a group of 233 women with IVF treatment, the ongoing pregnancy rate was significantly higher in the MENOPUR group (31%) compared to the GONAL F group (20%). Scientific research proves that Menopur 75 IU success rates are highly effective for IVF treatment. [1]

Menopur scores more births according to new analysis, Hospital Pharmacy Europe –  After a sequence of one fresh and up to two frozen or fresh cycles, the cumulative live-birth rate was 53.7% for HP-hMG and 44.6% for rFSH (p<0.005).

Menopur Success Stories:

I got pregnant on the third attempt with Menopur. In November, I received my first Menopur injections (and Pregnyl for ovulation). The follicle readings were always good with me too. I responded very well to the Menopur; with one ampule a day, I had enough. Unfortunately, I did not get pregnant in November and December, but I did in January! I am expecting my first child at the beginning of October.


Here is a success story: I am now 7 weeks pregnant from our first IUI! Of course, it is still very early, and anything can still go wrong, but we have already seen a heartbeat!


Hello girls, I am afraid to write it out loud, but I am pregnant. Already 3 bright positive tests; within 1 second 2 stripes. I am on day 18 after ovulation and tired, sometimes nauseous too. I hope the same for you soon!


Video: Menopur Success Stories!

How is Menopur Injection used?

When you choose to start using Menopur®, it must be injected correctly. Therefore, this should be done in a muscle or under the skin. It is the doctor who will determine the most appropriate place on the body depending on the patient in question. In most cases, only the first injection is done by the doctor. From then on, you are supposed to place the injection yourself or ask your partner, for example. The doctor or nurse will of course initially provide you with the necessary information. Is something not clear? Then it is extremely important to discuss this with the doctor or nurse.

See also  How Major IVF Clinics Use Gonal-F and Menopur for High Success Rates


This video explains step by step how to prepare and inject the menopur (menotropins) injection. Learn the full package click here for PDF!

When exactly does the treatment start?

Treatment with Menopur begins within a week of the occurrence of the first day of menstruation. You will be given an injection every day for at least a week since this time. The amount of menopausal gonadotropin involved depends on how far the egg will develop. This is monitored by the doctor by performing periodic ultrasounds and/or blood tests.


The duration of the injections varies from situation to situation. This causes the injections to be required between 6 and 14 days. Menopur will be completely absorbed by the body after about 18 hours. Afterward, this drug should no longer be injected, but a hormone is administered to initiate ovulation. During that day or the day after, the eggs should be fertilized. This means that you would do well to have sexual intercourse with your partner during these days.

What are the possible side effects of Menopur?

When you start using Menopur, you should keep in mind that you may be confronted with certain side effects. These side effects vary from woman to woman and can also vary considerably in terms of intensity. In any case, potential side effects you should be aware of are the following:

  1.  Pain at the injection site as well and possible redness,
  2.  Headache and a general feeling of fatigue,
  3.  A bloated abdomen as well as gastrointestinal distress,
  4.  Pain in the pelvis and back,
  5.  Painful, tight breasts and hot flashes,
  6.  Thirst

The above side effects are the most common. In rather rare cases, there may also be increased blood pressure and weight gain as well as ovarian overreaction. In the latter case, too many eggs are developed which can lead to serious symptoms. The symptoms that occur in this case after ovulation are severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting as well as a sudden weight gain of more than two kilograms. Shortness of breath and low ability to urinate are also symptoms of this condition. If this condition is suspected, it is a good idea to contact the attending physician as soon as possible.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Menopur

1. How fast does Menopur work?

  • An ultrasound shows whether the eggs are maturing sufficiently. You have a greater chance of having twins or multiple births because several eggs can develop at the same time. To stimulate sperm: you will be given an injection 3 times a week. It takes about 2.5 months for new sperm cells to form.

2. How much Menopur in IVF?

  • In a protocol in which downregulation with GnRH antagonists was used, treatment with Menopur Ferring should be started on day 2 or 3 of the menstrual cycle. The recommended starting dose of Menopur Ferring is 150 – 225 IU per day for at least the first 5 days of treatment.

3. How many days of rest after puncture?

  • It is normal to have abdominal discomfort for a few days after the puncture. We recommend that you rest for the first day. After that, you can increase your activities.

4. Is Menopur the same as Meriofert?

  • Menopausal gonadotropin has been on the market internationally since 1963. It is available in prescription injections under the brand names Menopur and Meriofert. Another name for menopausal gonadotropin is menotrophin.


  • Study reveals that women undergoing a cycle of IVF treatment with MENOPUR may have a significantly improved chance of becoming pregnant [1]
  • Menopur injections success? Stories from 100+ people on the BabyCenter Forum [2]
  • Menopur Official Website [3]

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