
7 Things to Know About Clomid and Usage

The FDA approved the drug in 1967. It is taken orally. It stimulates the hypothalamus and pituitary glands to work harder. Side effects are usually mild. It is also recommended for male infertility. If you desire to have children and there are no or few ovulations per year, the doctor will suggest inducing ovulation with hormones. In this treatment, Clomid is used.

Inducing ovulation

On average, it takes 28 days from the first day of menstruation to the next first day of menstruation. Yet women rarely have a cycle of exactly 28 days. A cycle is normal if it is between 21 and 35 days. Every cycle there is one ovulation. Therefore, if a cycle is longer than 35 days, ovulation will occur less often each year. In such cases, a doctor will start treatment to induce ovulation.

Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate)

Clomid is the drug with the most experience in inducing ovulation. It is not a hormone. Clomid stimulates the brain to produce more of the hormone FSH, which causes the ovaries to become more vigorously stimulated. This leads to the growth of one or more eggs in the ovaries.

Treatment with Clomid causes about 80 out of 100 women to ovulate. Of these women, more than half become pregnant.

What are the risks and complications?

  • When using Clomid, symptoms such as hot flashes, headaches, fatigue, mood disorders, visual acuity disorders, and weight gain may occur. If you have these symptoms, discuss them your doctor.
  • After longer use of Clomid, the ovaries may become insensitive to the Clomid. It is then no longer possible to induce ovulation with Clomid.
  • The risk of multiple pregnancy is slightly increased.
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Treatment: Clomid for women

Take Clomid regularly at the same time for five days before you plan to have sex. Most women will ovulate 7 to 10 days after their last Clomid pill.

What you must do before the treatment

  • You take 0.4 mg of folic acid every day to reduce the risk of having a child with spina bifida.
  • You try to maintain a healthy weight or lose a few pounds if necessary. This improves the chances of pregnancy.
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How does the treatment take place?

  • If you do not menstruate, spontaneously take a urine pregnancy test. If you are not pregnant, take Duphaston for 10 days, one tablet per day. A few days after the last tablet, you will have vaginal bleeding. The first day of this bleeding is called cycle day 1.
  • From cycle day 3 to cycle day 7, take Clomid at the dose agreed upon with your doctor.
  • When your period arrives, call the gynecology outpatient clinic to inform them of the date. Also, indicate which cycle day it is. You will then receive a new Clomid prescription.

If no period has occurred by cycle day 35, you should take a pregnancy test:

  1. If you are not pregnant, call the gynecology outpatient clinic. Ask if the Clomid dose needs to be increased or if you need an appointment at the outpatient clinic.
  2. If you become pregnant, call the gynecology outpatient clinic, and make an ultrasound appointment.

Psychological strain

Treatment to induce ovulation often requires patience and involves emotions. The disappointment of the long absence of ovulation or the longer time it takes to conceive can be great.


If you have any questions in response to this information, please call or email the gynecology outpatient clinic.

How and where can I buy Clomid? Fast IVF Pharmacy offers fertility drugs at the most affordable prices.

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